Saturday, March 31, 2012

6 months and on.....

Here is one I missed with the last batch.  Having a nice nap with Grandma Sarma while mama and papa are packing up for the big move.

I've recently graduated from tiny bites on the end of a spoon to........
 .........I only get one avocado in this sitting?  I am a hungry girl and am a great/big eater.  I am now eating squash, bananas, sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, cereal, celery, apple sauce and willing to try anything once!

Just before we left Colorado, I got my first cold, yes that is snot!  I was still sweet as sugar and happy as a clam except when getting my nose wiped.

This was my sick-time sleeping arrangement, the carseat seemed to work really well.

Over at Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Sally's, I got to play with my bow that Uncle Jimmy made for me.  It feels like it pulls about 5 pounds, should be just right for my first targets, ma and pa!

Hmmmm, tastes like a nice walnut.

Breaking bread with Uncle Jimmy.

We also had a lovely visit with Vecmammina (Great grandma Aina or GiGi) right before we left.

GiGi says I can have whatever I want when I come to visit!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

FINALLY, a new post!!!

Well, it has been kind of busy around here lately.  Here are a few from before we moved from Minturn, CO to Fairbanks, AK.  Aina is 6 months in all of these pictures.  More coming soon, she just turned 7 months last week!

Holding myself up!!

What you lookin at!

Come here!

Our last batch of easy cloth diapers.

New favorite holding cell.

Riding with Grandma Sarma.

As the toys disappeared, Grandma got creative!

My new hat from Aunt Sally and Uncle Jimmy.