Sunday, November 4, 2012

Aina's First Birthday Party

Hi folks, mama wants to apologize for not posting for so long.  Something about moving and work and family....blah, blah, blah.  So this post is almost three MONTHS late.  I was on the Kenai with my Aunt Becka, Uncle Cameron and Cousin Will for an entire birthday week, that is a whole other post, coming soon.  I had a party with Aunt Beck, Will and mama on my birthday and then another party when papa came back from hunting.  It was a good couple of weeks.  Been doing lots of fun stuff since then, stay tuned for more.  Here are the pictures from my third birthday party in Fairbanks once papa came back from a Dall sheep hunt near Tok, lucky devil.

What's up, I'm one!

Hats off to me!

Fire, huh.

Why's everybody looking at me??

So, what's this stuff????

Okay, yeah, that's pretty good.

Birthday cake art.

Mama, you lookin funny in that hat.

Day after, party blues......

Sunday, July 22, 2012

We had our first visitor!  Aunt Louisa (Weezer) came all the way from Fort Collins, CO to see me, ma and pa too.

Our first stop with Auntie Weezer!

Got credit, will charge...

I am officially a boater.

Our buddies, Corrie and Tom who guided us on our boating adventure!  Nope, not a real palm tree.

Keeping my eyes peeled for any signs of turbulence.

Loungin' with Aunt Weezer.  I got some sunscreen in my eyes, so I am looking a little rough.

Checking out the alpine tundra vegetation, rocks, my favorite.


more hiking......

Yep, those are musk oxen!

Lemme at um!

Helping mama do some weeding.

Birch bark.

Monday, June 25, 2012

10 months: Teeth and Grins

Well, it has been a great month.  I have been really enjoying hikes in the boreal forest, days at the park with papa and play group.  Summer is great here in central AK, there is plenty of sunshine to go around and it is finally warm enough to kick off the socks and go barefoot.  I got a bunch of teeth, kind of a pain coming in, but I can gnaw on just about anything and make some real progress.  I have been standing a lot and walking may not be too far off, we'll see, crawling if so fast!

Helping on laundry day.

Peasant child.

Gardening in Fairbanks, AK 

Okay you two, it's about to hale!

My sporty look.

Good mama.

Whoa, horsey!

Not sure if I care what it is mama, can I eat it? 

Lumberjack better hang on to me!

Playing with my neighbor Sofia.

This was a really fun face for about two weeks.

I'll eat you up I love you so!

Day at the park.


Friday, May 25, 2012

9 months

Mom gave me the box of Cheerios, what did you expect?

Monkeying around.

Books are my favorite, especially to chew on!

MMM!  Sweet Potato.

Nana taught me how to clap via Skype.
Papa brought home a Caribou antler for me to chew on!

Sporting skinny jeans thanks to our Minturn neighbor, Judy.

I can point now.  This is also my rockstar pose.

When gardening, I don't need to hold on.  The dirt in my hands is awesome.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

8 months

Cross country skiing on the Tanana river

First time in the pool.

The girls love Chena Hot Springs!

Working on my doggy paddle.


Aina had a two week phase of always getting another angle.

More skiing!

Our neighbors Sofia and her mom come over for play time.

Lots of squeezing around here.

Watermelon: so, so.  Rind: Love it.

Sweet as pie.

Getting our vitamin D in the sun room.