Sunday, November 4, 2012

Aina's First Birthday Party

Hi folks, mama wants to apologize for not posting for so long.  Something about moving and work and family....blah, blah, blah.  So this post is almost three MONTHS late.  I was on the Kenai with my Aunt Becka, Uncle Cameron and Cousin Will for an entire birthday week, that is a whole other post, coming soon.  I had a party with Aunt Beck, Will and mama on my birthday and then another party when papa came back from hunting.  It was a good couple of weeks.  Been doing lots of fun stuff since then, stay tuned for more.  Here are the pictures from my third birthday party in Fairbanks once papa came back from a Dall sheep hunt near Tok, lucky devil.

What's up, I'm one!

Hats off to me!

Fire, huh.

Why's everybody looking at me??

So, what's this stuff????

Okay, yeah, that's pretty good.

Birthday cake art.

Mama, you lookin funny in that hat.

Day after, party blues......

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Such fun pictures! Hope you guys are well. xo - linds
