Saturday, August 29, 2015

Wonderful Visit With the Grandest of Mothers!

I know I am WAY behind on blogging for the past 6 months, so here goes!  We have had a bunch of wonderful family visits starting with a visit from Vecmamimi (Grandma Sarma) in April.  

Sarma is always up for an adventure and Aina tool her on a serious hike.

When there is water nearby, it is hard to keep this one from being in or near it!

This is Aina's impression of a wood nymph taking a nap by the river.  I agree, it looks a little too peaceful!

Aina practicing her letters on Vecmamimi's phone.

Sarma is always a sport about crawling into tents and hiding in closets when the occasion calls!

Thanks so much for coming to visit.  The girls thrive around the grandparents and absolutely love every minute of your visits.  Hope to see you more often very soon!


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